16 Apr Off

The whole world today is suffering from the fearful pandemic’ 2019 Novel Coronavirus,’ and many have thoughts in their minds that there is no guarantee they will stay alive. Due to the terrifying situation, some people have no food to eat, some have no money to pay the house rents, and some have no hopes left to recover from the infection. In this state, it is the right time to plan the Will and Estate planning online to keep the families free from the future risks of legal battles, financial hardships, and strife after your death.
We can do this with telephonic or video meetings and send you documents to put in place.
What are the Estate Planning Documents Required for Proper Planning?
Every Estate and every individual is different so it “depends.” However, there are certain documents that will accomplish your goals as follows:
Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Purposes
This document can allow someone to pay your bills, handle your investments and even protect your money from a nursing home is you are disabled and cannot handle these matters yourself.
Living Trust/Revocable Trust or Wills
These are a legal tool that can be used to pass assets to your intended heirs. There are several other legal documents that can also do this and may be much less expensive. Ask an experienced estate planning attorney to explain all the options and the advantages and disadvantages of the
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
These allow someone to make healthcare decisions if you are unable.
How Much Does it Charge to Hire the Estate Planning Attorney?
Again, the answer is “it depends.” Like buying a house there are many different options. There are typically things you can do for free that will save your beneficiaries hundreds or thousands in taxes or fees. An experienced estate planning attorney can counsel you on all options and costs so you can make an educated decision about what is best.
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