Many people have questions about the probate process. For example, is probate necessary, and if so, what is the process of probate? Do you need a probate attorney, and how long will the proceedings take?
Whether probate is necessary depends upon how an individual’s assets are held at his or her time of death. Certain types of assets are subject to probate, while other assets are exempt. During the probate process, a personal representative also known as the executor –...
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Tag Archives: "Wisconsin Probate Attorney"
25 Jan

The Importance of Having a Knowledgeable Probate Attorney to Assist with Estate Administration
A probate attorney can help the family members of the deceased person resolve any debts and distribute the assets.
The probate attorney, also known as the estate attorney, aids the estate executors to manage the probate process. It is important to have a probate attorney assist you with knowing your rights when it comes to creditors or any of the deceased’s final bills or expenses.
It is also important to have a probate attorney assist you
with saving on taxes. A...
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20 Jul

What Does Probate Lawyers Do And Why Is It Important To Hire The One?
Did you lost your loved one recently, and now you have to deal with the probate process, however, have no clue about this process? No worries, it is a time to consider hiring a probate attorney. Well, it is a somewhat tricky and complex process, particularly because family conflicts and taxes come into this. But, fear not, it can be managed and made far simpler with adequate professional guidance. A probate attorney can help you go through all your...
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07 Nov

Assistance Provided By a Probate Attorney to a Personal Representative
When someone dies, the estate of the decedent typically has to go through a legal process known as probate. If the decedent has left behind a Last Will and Testament, the individual named as the Personal Representative in the Will is the person who is responsible for overseeing the estate throughout the probate process. If someone fails to have a will, the State of WI names your beneficiaries and the estate goes through probate. Ideally, a Testator/Testatrix, i.e. a...
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