There is an extensive range of opinions with regards to guardianship for incapacitated adults. While a majority of people identify how essential it is that minors and physically challenged persons have somebody in place for representing their interests, there are numerous people who see these guardianships not a perfect solution for the adults who are disabled because of an illness or injury. The reality is that having guardianship plan in place is necessary for a disabled person if he...
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14 Jun

Estate Planning Documents: How Important Are They?
Estate planning documents are the only way to guarantee that your estate is managed according to your desires. This includes the time from when you may lose your mental abilities, to after your demise when your estate transfers to the individuals you have designated as beneficiaries.
Being an experienced Elder Law Attorney in Wisconsin, I’m often asked about how much harm outdated estate planning documents can be. And my answer to all of them is the same: a lot. The...
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06 Jun

The Importance of Hiring an Elder Law Attorney for Probate
An Elder Law Attorney helps the executor of the estate manage the probate process. In other words, I help deal with the legal issues as they arise after an individual passes.
An Elder Law Attorney can help to minimize family conflicts
Probate can be a period of major clashes in families, particularly when the terms of a Will are less favourable than one or more beneficiaries may wish. I can decrease these pressures and make a smoother probate process for everyone...
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31 May

Why Do People Drag Their Feet When It Comes To Estate Planning?
Most people avoid consulting with an attorney when they should be planning for the future. As such, they tend to postpone the task of making an estate plan. There are numerous reasons why people wait to converse with an estate planning attorney with regards to making an estate plan.
The Reasons
Let’s have a look at a list of reasons why people avoid estate planning:
People Don’t Want To Think About Serious Illness or Death
People don’t prefer to even...
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28 May

What happens to your Assets if you die without a will?
You work hard your whole life saving and investing to have a great retirement. If you were not able to spend all your money before your death, you want to make sure those hard-earned assets are passed to intended family members and/or friends. Without a Will, your assets could be left to your State of domicile.
When a person dies without a Will attorney it is called intestate. Your property will pass through the probate process and the courts will...
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24 May

Guardianship vs. Durable Power of Attorney: Positive and Negative Sides
If a person is disabled and doesn’t have a setup plan in place, then he or she is only left with the guardianship option. In such a situation, I, being a Guardianship Attorney can provide help when your family member or friend has become disabled. However, creating plans ahead of time is preferred because of benefits associated with using devices, such as power of attorney. It is vital to understand the distinction between the guardianship and other alternatives and...
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27 Apr

Situations in Which Your Assets Might Be At Risk
Not all are conscious of the need to have an estate plan in place. The Estate Plan can include a Will or a trust but goes beyond in making sure your assets are managed if you are disabled. It can decrease the taxes, fees, or court costs your heirs may incur after your death. Failure to plan for the management and dispersement of your estate during disability and after death can be very expensive and cumbersome and this is...
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23 Apr

What Type of Advantages Can You Have By Working with a Financial Advisor?
Have you ever met a financial advisor that can aid with the management of your money? If not, then you are not alone. According to a recent survey, approximately only 28% of people meet with a financial planner. For most people, meeting with a financial advisor can improve your understanding regarding management of money, futuristic financial planning and avoid making uneducated decisions.
Every person from low-wage earners to upper-income salary professionals can take benefit from the counsel and advice provided...
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20 Apr

Why Is It Necessary to Create an Estate Plan?
Estate Planning is the efficient way to allow for administration of your financial and personal assets you die or if you become mentally or physically incapacitated. In Wisconsin, there are several options to establish a written set of directions to your friends and family showing them how your property is to be distributed after your demise. If you fail to put together at least a simple legal document, the administration of your estate will likely cost thousands and may...
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16 Apr

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Guardianship
It sometimes becomes necessary for individuals to take responsibility for the care and wellness of their loved ones. However, not every case is the same. For instance, a minor needing guardianship is not quite the same as a senior that requires guardianship.
Whatever the circumstances are, having an experienced guardianship attorney in Wisconsin, can help you navigate the process effectively and reduce stress and uncertainty. I’ll explain to you the role of a guardianship attorney how we can help secure...
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